Mt. Enterprise ISD is currently accepting applications for the positions listed below. If you are interested in one of the positions, you may download the appropriate application by clicking here or on the "Application Information" link under "Employment." You may also call and request application information at (903) 822-3575.

Positions for 24-25 School Year:

Click HERE for job postings on Region 7's Job Site or read about how to apply directly below:



Full-time custodian needed. Shift hours flexible. Contact Dr. Chance Mays at 903-822-3721 or


Rusk County SSA Positions:

Click Here


Cafeteria Substitute

Substitute needed to work in cafeteria area. Contact Chris Baird or Dr. Chance Mays at 903.822.3721.

Substitute Teacher

Substitute teacher for Mt. Enterprise Elementary or Mt. Enterprise HS.
Contact Mrs. Jessica Sprayberry at

Substitute Bus Driver

CDL required.



©2024 Mt. Enterprise ISD